Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Positive Reinforcement Rituals

Hello, all!
Today's post is a topic that is near and dear to my heart- behavior modification.  I have a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, so naturally this is a subject that I find fascinating.  In the classroom, teachers must model and set expectations of how they want their students to act.  We do this in many ways- we talk about rules, we praise proper behavior and correct negative behavior.  The key is that it must be done swiftly, positively, and consistently.  We create classroom rules posters, keep sticker charts, stock treasure boxes, and give lots of high fives.  But, one of the most effective ways that I keep my students observant of expected behaviors is by using one simple phrase.  Want to hear it?  Here it goes.....

"I really like/love/appreciate the way that (insert child's name here) is (sharing/reading quietly/following directions/capitalizing and punctuating, etc....).  Boy, does that make Mrs. Filas happy!!!!

Children snap right into line, folks.  It's as easy as that- most of the time.  :)  In addition to my magic statement, I am using a new behavior modification system that I adopted this year.  It works great with my small groups and could work well in just about any classroom setting.  And here's a bonus- you can also use this one at home with your own kiddos!

 I have created these punch cards for my classes to monitor their good behavior.  Every day when they come to see me, if they have stayed on task and have been well behaved during our lesson, I will give them one or two punches on their card.  I use a cool hole punch in the shape of a star, and I have a fully stocked treasure chest with lots of goodies- pencils, bookmarks, erasers, little toys, and candy (allergen-free, of course).  My students LIVE for their special day when they finally fill their card, earn their treat, and get a fresh new card.  I always make a point to have them take it home to show their family.  I want the moms and dads to be as proud of their star student as I am!

I have constructed a set of ten different punch cards for use in the classroom, a few of which are shown above.  This project is my latest submission to both Teachers Pay Teachers and Teachers Notebook, two amazing marketplace websites for teacher-created materials. Please visit either of my storefronts (just click the links above) if you'd like to purchase this item.

I'd love to hear what kind of behavior programs you are using in your classroom or at home.  Please post below if you have an idea to share.  Questions or comments?  Leave those too!  :)

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